Thursday 8 November 2012

The street class and status

In the street we can see that the difference in class and status is massive. In the opening sequence we can see that the two parents are arguing very violetly in front of the children who are sittng in the front room. This portrays that the family is very disjointed and broken also class is portraedugh this as we can see that the family is most probably from a low standard of living background. This so clearly displayed dude to some of the very bad language that is being used througout the arguemtnt by the farther.

In the next scene we see the farther who was very angry and frustared in the previous scene go to wrok, we can clearly see that he works in the manuel sector as he is performing somekind of contruction process this suggest again that the family and himself are lower class. We then see the father hitting something with a hammer very hard with a look of frustion and anger, this re ensates his unhappieness that we saw in the las scene whilst he was having the arguemnt with his wife in front of the children.

There is then a jump cut to a guy that lives across the road getting into his car, this guy is wearing a suit which suggests to us that he is higher up in society due to the fact that we feel he probably has an office job which is more likely to pay more than what the farther rercieves for his manuel job. We can see now that there are many class types on the street although they live in similar size houses. This is interesting as we normally think that the higher class citzen would be living in a slighlty more upper class area.

When the guy with the suit on runs over to help the wife of the manuel worker this suggests and displays that they may being having an affair wih eachother as it is not lilke it is ann unreular occurance when he runs into the house. To back this up in the later part of this scene we see that both of them are becoming intimate together this renstates what we think what may be happening surrounding the affair between them.

In the next secene the farther has arrived back home from work and he starts to watch the football with his two sons, this portrays to us that can be a caring man when he wants to be but also has another very violent side to him. Whilst him and his sons are watching the football he doesn't notice that his daughter has wandered out the house and then subsequently she gets hit by a car. The irony of the girl getting hit by the car iseven more dramtic as it is the man in the suit that hits her also this is ironic due to the fact that the guy is having an affair with the farther of the daughters wife. This enlarges the problem due to the points i have just stated.

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