Good Cop
How is Sav represented?
In the first scene of Good Cop, Sav who is the main character is shown walking home in the pouring rain, this gives us an idea that something bad has just happened as it is bad weather which could reflect the mood of Sav himself. Also in the first scene Sav is seen with blood on his hands and also we see that he has a gun hidden in his jacket, this influences us to think that Sav is a the opposite of what the title says which is Good Cop. As i have just said Sav is introduced to the audience in a very dark and mysterious way as none of the audience know what has just happened and what he has been getting up to before he has arrived home. We get the idea that Sav is a very edgy character as he is sweating when he gets home and is also in some state of panic.
In the beach scene Sav comes across Cassie and Libby while jogging, he tries to initiate conversation acting friendly and in a good manor. This shows Sav in a very different light as what we saw him in the first scene. We begin to think that he is a caring guy but is also slightly nosy at the same time due to the fact that he seems very interested in Cassie's business and life overall, but we can see that Cassie is very blunt towards him and this then portrays the idea that there has been history between Sav and Cassie. This idea that has been brought forward by Cassie's actions towards Sav influences to think that Sav may have done something wrong and treated Cassie badly in the past, so this reverts our thoughts back to what we thought of him in the first scene.
In the next scene we see Sav with one of his colleagues but off duty in more of a social meet up at what looks like an american diner type restaurant. Sav notices that there are a group of men which are making a scene and being loud around the bar area, we can see by his actions that this is infuriating Sav while he is trying to eat his food whilst socializing with one of his friends, this shows us that Sav is a again like a said earlier quite an edgy character that always takes close notice of his surrounding wherever he may be. Sav reacts when he see's that one member of the group starts to harass and embarrass the waitress that is serving Sav and his friend. He seems to be very frustrated by what this guy has done, so he follows the waitress into the bathroom to see whats going on, he manages to put a stop to the on goings which are just about to happen in the bathroom. Our opinion as the audience very much changes again towards Sav as we can see that he is clearly looking out for the waitress and we see that his caring feelings are quite strong. Also we see that his intentions are good.
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