Silent Witness is a British crime thriller series, produced for the BBC, focusing on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes. First broadcast in 1996, and still airing as of the present day. In the early series of Silent Witness it was generally set in Cambridge. There has been many series of Silent Witness, 15 in total and it is still on going today. The plot is very much based around a forensic team who face diffuicult challenges and investigation to overcome and solve. The programmes is known to be very grusome in some episdoes and quite shocking at the same time, this is genrerally what attracts the massive audiences that they recive through the series. Throughout the series the cast has chopped and changed in all diferent directions. One of the most recent stars to join the cast was Emilia Fox who plays Dr. Nikki Alexander who has appeared since the 8th series. Dr Nikki is now a permenant fixture in the forensic team who very often at the heart of the investigations.
Friday, 7 September 2012
Silent Witness.
Silent Witness is a British crime thriller series, produced for the BBC, focusing on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes. First broadcast in 1996, and still airing as of the present day. In the early series of Silent Witness it was generally set in Cambridge. There has been many series of Silent Witness, 15 in total and it is still on going today. The plot is very much based around a forensic team who face diffuicult challenges and investigation to overcome and solve. The programmes is known to be very grusome in some episdoes and quite shocking at the same time, this is genrerally what attracts the massive audiences that they recive through the series. Throughout the series the cast has chopped and changed in all diferent directions. One of the most recent stars to join the cast was Emilia Fox who plays Dr. Nikki Alexander who has appeared since the 8th series. Dr Nikki is now a permenant fixture in the forensic team who very often at the heart of the investigations.
Professor Leo Dalton (William Gaminara) has appeared since the start of series six. Although he started out as a doctor, Leo was promoted into the position of professor when Sam returned home to Ireland at the start of series eight. Dr Nikki comforts Leo in ann attempt to make sure that they can still work well as team to get all of the investigations overcome efficiantly. His wife and children are killed in a hit-and-run incident at the start of series nine. He lived with Janet Mander from series 13, but ended their relationship in series 15.
The drama created by McCrery is a crime drma which is based around the ongoing of crimes being commited and then hopefully solved in one way or the other. The visual clues that we have to encourage us to think that it is a crime thriller is the fact that the episodes are very often grusome and quite horrific, also where the series is set gives us a clue as it tends to be very drak and dull during the ivestigation period. One other vital clue is given to us not visually but through sound, what im talking about is the title music which the programme begins with it is a very low toned and eary kind of tune which leads us to expect quite a dark and mysterious episode/series.
Silent Witness is a British crime thriller series, produced for the BBC, focusing on a team of forensic pathology experts and their investigations into various crimes. First broadcast in 1996, and still airing as of the present day. In the early series of Silent Witness it was generally set in Cambridge. There has been many series of Silent Witness, 15 in total and it is still on going today. The plot is very much based around a forensic team who face diffuicult challenges and investigation to overcome and solve. The programmes is known to be very grusome in some episdoes and quite shocking at the same time, this is genrerally what attracts the massive audiences that they recive through the series. Throughout the series the cast has chopped and changed in all diferent directions. One of the most recent stars to join the cast was Emilia Fox who plays Dr. Nikki Alexander who has appeared since the 8th series. Dr Nikki is now a permenant fixture in the forensic team who very often at the heart of the investigations.
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